Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

So I looked over all of the new Anime that premiered in the last month or two and was, to say the least, disappointed because nothing seemed interesting really. I picked out a few to look in to and one of them was Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I don't like Magical Girl Anime but something about this one drew my attention and I don't really know why...

But after I watched it all I was completely amazed at everything about it. The style of the art really threw me off. All of the characters, adults included, look like children with round faces and cute eyes. I think the only difference between the kids and the adults is height, lol. It also seems very sketchy and often times not very detailed in shading and it all looks very simple. This look mixed in with the very dark feel is amazing to me and it's one of the things I love most about this show. It's a very interesting change of pace from your typical Magical Girl anime. All of the elements are there of course. You've got your token cute mascot, Kyube, you've got your super cute heroine, Madoka. You've got your Magical Girl transformation scenes and mandatory talk of friendship and working together as a team. But it's the way that this is all prepared and played out that make this Anime truly unique. 

After waking from a strange dream one night involving a strange girl fighting in a dark, ruined city, Madoka Kaname comes to find that the girl has shown up at her school as a transfer student. The mysterious girl, Akemi Homura, warns her to never become something that she's not. Unexpected events bring Madoka to make such a choice, as she is given the opportunity to be granted one free wish for anything she could possibly want. In exchange for this contract made with the super cute Kyube, she must become a Magical Girl and fight the Witches that inhabit her world unknown and invisible to humans. Madoka and her classmate and friend, Sayaka Miki, are shown the ropes by more experienced Magical Girl Mami Tomoe. Mami's cool attitude, confidence, and skill at what she does amazes both of the eager middle-schoolers and they begin to contemplate what they want in exchange for being Magical Girls and fighting alongside Mami to keep their city safe. Unsure of what to do, Madoka is warned once more by Homura, who is also a Magical Girl...

 !~Spoilers Ahead!!~!

I almost can't find words to describe how much I love this Anime. It can be appreciated as a Magical Girl anime but people who are more used to the cutesy bouncy shoujo nightmare that is a typical Magical Girl anime might be more cautious here. While the art might be cute and the world they live in is futureistic and everything has big glass windows and looks really cool but still odd (to me anyway). The most interesting thing about the world, though, is the way the Witch's labrynths and rooms look like. When the girls enter in to a Witch's domain everything looks like stop-motion animation with cardboard figures and pictures moving around. It gives everything this creepy aura, lol. There are only the Four episodes out at the moment but so far the whole atmosphere is dark and to me seems realistic in some ways. Madoka was very excited to get started on being a Magical Girl and help Mami, but Mami's sudden and horrifying death brought about a very realistic trait in Madoka - fear. She not longer boasted the confidence she had told Mami of and instead could only cry at the loss and hope she could be forgiven for her cowardice. The fourth episode ends with Sayaka choosing to become a Magical Girl and coming to Madoka's rescue. I'm dieing to see what happens from here, but...

T__T Bring Mami back!!!!!!!!

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