Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011!!!

Goodbye 2010! You've been such a roller coaster ride of a year I'm glad to finally see you come to an end! This is just a quick sketch to end the year done in Photoshop CS3 and PaintToolSAI <3

This year has been very bad and at the same time has been very good. Early on in the year I stopped talking to three people in my life that had been very important to me. Two of them had been a big part of my life for about 7 years or so. But I guess times change and now these people are no longer in my life. And I have this to say...

GOOD RIDDANCE!!!! Life has been much sweeter without you all and never will I regret making the decisions that caused us all to drift apart. In place of you "friends" who parted from my life for your immature, childish, pathetic and absolutely absurd reasons, new friends have taken your places and I couldn't be happier.

I was reunited with my dearest friend of all, Rachel, and have been very happy to have her back in my life. Dream of Mirror Online brought me to 3 more awesome friends. Firstly, Kana. Secondly, Nicholai, and thirdly Haseo. You guys are the best! My new found addiction to PC games via Steam (I blame it all on you Kana!) is almost crippling (but so much fun!), brought me to another great friend, Bryan, and tends to sometimes interfere with my art. But even still I've improved so much as an artist that this year was a big turning point for me in my life artistically. The coming year is going to hold great things for me and I look forward to it all! <3 <3

May the New Year bring you all happiness and good times! <3 Thank you for stopping by!

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