Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Aquatic Wonderment

Most Recent completed work! I had decided I wanted to try something new that I hadn't done before and a sexy comic vixen came to mind. Although I don't think she looks much like a sexy comic vixen she did turn out great and I love this very much. 

Check out Work in Progress shots after the jump! one of the ugliest sketches I've done in a long time xD I can't even begin to imagine what made me think to use this for anything but I'm glad I did. 

Line art looked muuuuuch nicer! Was able to fix a lot of the mistakes I made in the sketch and redid the hair too. Looking better already.

Messing around with the costume, I got lost...finally settled on this which actually looks more like lingerie XD For some reason thought giving her a bit of a tan would look nice and I loved the look.

Experimenting with hair color and costume color. Was kind of liking the purple but something seemed amiss.  Started playing around a bit more with hair colors.

A suggestion from one of my best friends made me try this lighter sandy color for the hair and I liked the way it looked with the light blue costume I had decided on. Decided to cover her tummy at the last minute too and I like it better this way.

Thank you for taking a look! <3

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