Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Dear Friends

A small collection of the Christmas pictures drawn for my dear friends this year <3 You guys are the best!

For Rachel <3 Thank you for being the best friend a girl could ask for! Thank you for the countless times you were my shoulder to cry on and thank you for being there for me during all the hell I went through this year with everything! You deserve this more than you know <3 I look forward to another year of friendship...this is our year, girl! XD

For Kana <3 Thank you for being such a dear friend to me. Thank  you for always listening to me when I need someone to comfort me and thank you for being there for me through some of the most difficult times of my life this year. You deserve this <3 I look forward to next year.

For Nick <3 Thank you for everything this year. I think you've put up with more of my crap than anyone else this year, you're a true soldier, hehe <3 Thank you for being there in the darkest of times when I thought all was lost. You deserve this! I look forward to another year of friendship.

And last but certainly not least, for Haseo <3 Thank you Haseo for being so tough on me and my art and helping to push me forward. Thank you for getting on my ass about the corners I try to cut and for being so encouraging to me. You're great to talk to and I look forward to another year of you being such a great friend <3

Merry Christmas to all! <3

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